Keep your house in order with Neat’s smart organization software. Get a complete picture of your household finances, securely organize and access all your important documents, and quickly run reports for tax, spending, or budgeting. NeatHome is home organization made easy, so you can spend time focused on where you want it.
Neat Home is a yearly subscription with a 30 Day Money back guarantee
Manage your household with ease

Complete the picture of your home finances with Neat

Connect Bank Account
Manage all of your financial data in one place by importing all of your bank accounts, credit card accounts, investment accounts, utilities activity, and much more. Pull in any credit lines from home improvement stores for home projects, car payments, etc.
Stream Account Transactions
Stream all your activity from any connected account to show trends in spending and income by any timeframe you want. See top expense categories of your spend, and compare actual spend to your household budgets.

Access Everything All in One Place
Capture receipts, bills, statements and other important documents whichever way is easiest for you. Snap a picture with your mobile device, and upload through our mobile app, scan in documents via our desktop app, email them in with your unique Neat email, or import them directly from your computer.
Once in Neat, these documents will be accessible to you anywhere you have access to internet or your cell phone.
Make All Documents Easily Searchable
Neat's patented technology accurately extracts text from your documents and turns it into usable, searchable data allowing you to quickly find documents you care about by simply searching any words contained in the text.

Make All Documents Smarter
Use Neat's patented technology to categorize your documents into types (receipts, bills, statements, invoices, recipes, ets.) and extract key fields for each type to organize your documents, and sort/search/report off these key fields.
Organize Files Your Way
Organize files by expense type, tax category, document category and more. Quickly find files with our keyword search and filtering capabilities. No matter how you choose to get items into Neat, or what you want to do with them afterward, Neat puts you in control of getting your house in order.

Financial Insights
Know what is going on in your home finances at a glance, with real-time insights - including net cash flow, top expense categories, cash balance, profit and loss, and total sales. Generate reports to quickly and easily share with your tax accountant, review your household finances, set goals and budgets for your household.
Easy and efficient – now that’s Neat!
NeatHome is a yearly subscription with a 30 Day Money back guarantee
Keep track with ease
Always Organized
Get into the habit of uploading important documents as soon as you get them and you’ll never have to worry about paperwork overtaking your desk again.
Creating folders and subfolders is fast and easy, letting you arrange and adapt as you go. Store your receipts in subfolders to easily create expense reports, or organize documents in folders categorized by project, client, or month. Neat gives you the freedom to organize in a way that makes sense for you.
Manage Home Finances Seamlessly
Manage all of your financial data in one place by importing all of your bank accounts, credit card accounts, and much more. Stream all your activity from any connected account to show trends in spending and income by any timeframe you want. See top expense categories of your spend, and compare actual spend to your household budgets.
Securely Access Anywhere
Neat makes it easy to access information on the go, with our web and mobile apps, your data is accessible anywhere you have a phone or internet. Our bank-level encryption makes certain that you are the only one accessing your information when you need it.
Easy and efficient – now that’s Neat!
NeatHome is a yearly subscription with a 30 Day Money back guarantee
Compatible Receipt &
Document Scanners.
Neat works with any TWAIN compliant scanner.

Certified Hardware Partners
Neat works with any TWAIN compliant scanner, which includes most scanners on the market today. Additionally, Neat works with most major manufacturers to ensure their devices work seamlessly with Neat’s software. Connecting these devices is covered as part of our standard support plans.

NeatHome Comes with Customer Support
You’ll always have unlimited email and chat support to answer any of your questions. Also, our user-friendly Help Center Knowledge Base is available to you 24/7. If you need more dedicated and priority support then look at our VIP service for NeatHome below
Our primary platform for home finance management.
Get your house in order today.
Unlimited file storage
Bank Account Connection
Transaction Streaming
Quickly Generate Reports
Track your expenses
Easily filter and search for documents
Bank-level security encryption
Accessible from anywhere
Access to our Help Center Knowledge Base
Unlimited email & chat support

Enhance your base subscription

VIP Service
NeatHome + $50/year
Buy NeatHome + VIP ServiceEverything you need, plus premium help from our specialized support team.
- 1:1 training guided by Neat Experts
- Dedicated support team so you can skip the line
- Early access to new features
- Exclusive offers